General Information

For patients coming from other cities: Kolan British Hospital

If you are coming from outside Cyprus for treatment purposes, you can make use of services of Kolan British Hospital team. Before arriving at Kolan British Hospital, you can send to Kolan British Hospital all documents of analyses and tests conducted so far about your disease. After all documents are examined and evaluated by the relevant doctor, you will be informed about treatment plan, duration and approximate cost. If you come to Cyprus Kolan British Hospital for treatment, the reservation of aircraft for transportation to Cyprus, and accommodation, transfer and all appointment processes are handled and organized by Kolan British Hospital. For detailed information thereabout, you may call Kolan British Hospital team by phone through (+90 392 680 8080).


In Kolan British Hospital, security services work continuously round-the-clock for your peace and comfort. If you have any discomfort or question, please call security.

Use of car parking

Patients, their relatives and families and other visitors may make use of car parking. We have valet parking service.

Lost or found properties:

Security officers of our Hospital are located at main entrance and emergency entrance gates. If a property is lost or you find property of others, please call the security.

Smoking policy:

Our policy is not to allow smoking in our Hospital. Therefore, the whole building and all of its rooms are protected by smoke detectors. We are suggesting you a smokefree life, but visitors and attendants wishing to smoke may use the special area in garden designated for this purpose.

You can find in the in house medical materials store all and any such materials as wig, false (artificial) nails, prosthesis, walkers and crutches as may be needed in line with your medical requirements. You may get detailed information thereabout from your doctor and nurse.

Flower and room ornamentation services:

Live flowers are not allowed in our Hospital for prevention of probable infections. Thus, flowers sent to you are kept by our Hospital, and a flower card is delivered to you. At the time of discharge, your flowers are delivered to you. For room ornamentation, you may contact the contracted firm.

Your wishes and suggestions:

As long as you stay in our Hospital, for all kinds of your wishes and suggestions, you may call our call center, and apply to Patient Rights Office. You may communicate with Patient Rights Office by e-mail to  [email protected] address.

Our food and beverage services:

As long as you stay in our Hospital, you may make use of Cafe for coffee and snacks. In addition, coffee and water machines inside the Hospital are at your disposal round-the-clock. For the sake of health of patients, food and beverages are not allowed to be brought to our Hospital.