Nursing in Kolan International Hospital

Vision: “To be a national and international reference center in nursing care”

Mission: To provide patient care and constantly improve nursing services with training, measurement and improvement methods by focusing on the satisfaction of patients and service providers with a professional and team mentality without compromising occupational and ethical principles.

Our Values

Satisfaction of Patients and Their Relatives

  • To be sensitive to healthcare needs of patients
  • To work in a patient-oriented manner with a belief that our patients are special
  • To work in a patient-oriented manner for individual patients
  • To be aware that patient relatives are as important as the patients themselves during care process of patients and their relatives, and to include them in practices and trainings.
  • To decide the care process of patients and their relatives jointly with patients
  • To protect patient rights
  • To decrease the level of dependency of patients with scrupulous patient care and nursing
  • To protect the rights of our patients to receive appropriate care for a peaceful death in the case of inevitable deaths

Quality and Continuous Improvement

  • To constantly provide professional and self-improvement trainings
  • To encourage self-improvement
  • To encourage researching. To follow recent researches and put them into practice
  • To measure the perfection of the service and compare it with international values
  • To use technology

High Performance

  • To do career planning
  • To raise expectations
  • To assess the performance of employees for improvement
  • To raise expectations
  • To do a budget cost assessment
  • To share the successes
  • Righteousness, Honesty, Affection and Ethical Approach
  • To work by adhering to ethical values

Affectionate approach to the staff and patients

  • To speak objectively and truly towards the staff and patients
  • To be scrupulous
  • To be economical
  • To be respectful and respectable
  • To protect benefits of the organization in our behaviors
  • To protect the privacy of patients
  • To Value the Personnel
  • To listen to others with solution suggestions
  • To create communication areas where all ideas are freely discussed
  • To be reassuring and prudent
  • To provide equal training opportunities
  • To consider the satisfaction of personnel as much as of that of service receivers

Teamwork and Cooperation

  • To use an intra-team affirmative approach
  • To be aware that all of us contribute to the results of our services
  • To be supportive in all difficulties
  • To share the success
  • Leadership
  • To support the creation and development of leadership
  • To consult projects that will show the leadership of each team member
  • To support the intra-team informal leaders and prepare them for formal structure