Thyroid Diseases
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Glands which stand as two symmetrical parts in front and at the back of throat, and which control body secretions by secreting T3 and T4 hormones to blood. They play a significant role in balance of metabolism. It assures regularity and continuity of all biochemical processes in our body by hormones secreted.
The main problem arises out of over-functioning (hyperthyroidism) or under-functioning (hypothyroidism) of thyroid gland.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are tremor in hands, nervousness, restlessness, heat-lability, tachycardia, muscle weakness (atony) and getting tired quickly, increased bowel movements and sometimes diarrhea, loss of weight without diet, hair loss, skin thinning and nail fractures. Particularly in old patients, it may lead to congestive cardiac failure resistant against standard therapy.
Hypothyroidism presents itself generally with malaise, fatigue, depression, enlargement of tongue, and dry tongue. In general, weight gain is one of the most important problems of patients. Menstrual irregularity constitutes an important problem in females. In addition, high tension may develop. It may cause slowdown and coarsening in movements and reduction in perception. It further leads to bowel disorders and frequently constipation.