Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis

What is osteoporosis?

Bone; It is a tissue that grows, lives and has the ability to constantly renew itself. At certain periods throughout life, the body removes old bone tissue and replaces it with new bone tissue. Bones constantly renew themselves until the age of 30. During this age period, the construction and destruction period remains in balance. In the following years, the bone destruction process begins to predominate and bone mineral density decreases. With the decrease in bone mass and weakening of the bone structure, there is an increase in bone fragility and the possibility of fracture. If the decrease in bone mass is more than approximately 25%, osteoporosis is a skeletal disease. In osteoporosis, the pores in the bone tissue become larger and spongier, and bone resistance decreases.


What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, an insidious disease, may not show any symptoms until a fracture occurs. The most common complaint in osteoporosis, also called osteoporosis, is back pain. Back pain caused by small bone fractures in the back vertebrae is accompanied by the collapse of the vertebrae due to the increase in the number of these fractures. In osteoporosis, a hunchback occurs on the back and a shortening in height occurs. The hump in the back causes narrowing in the chest and abdominal cavities, causing the abdomen to protrude forward. Shortness of breath during heavy physical activities is also among the symptoms of osteoporosis. In osteoporosis, the incidence of fractures in the forearm and hip bones is high. The risk of osteoporosis is higher in people who lead a sedentary life, enter menopause early, have a family history of osteoporosis, are thin and light-colored. In addition, the development of osteoporosis is faster in those who have a low calcium diet, smoke, consume alcohol and caffeine, and take thyroid and cortisone hormones.


What is good for osteoporosis?

Bone mineral density is checked to diagnose osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is diagnosed based on the results of bone densimetry, which is a short-term and painless measurement. The most effective method for the treatment of osteoporosis is to raise the awareness of the patient. During the painful period of the disease, painkillers can be used and bed rest is recommended. Osteoporosis drugs containing calcium and vitamin D, which reduce bone destruction and increase bone formation, are widely used in the treatment of the disease. Posture training and muscle and bone building exercises are good for osteoporosis. Light and medium-paced walks, weight training, stair climbing, tennis and aerobic exercises are recommended. Patients may be directed to use a corset to prevent poor posture.