General Gynecology

In addition to diagnosis and treatment of gynecological problems of females of every age from adolescence to menopause, routine screening methods are also employed for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and some other diseases.

  • Surgical removal of uterus – Hysterectomy – (Open [abdominal] / laparoscopic / vaginal)
  • Surgical removal of myoma – Myomectomy – (Open / laparoscopic / hysterescopic)
  • Hysterescopic polyp / septum removal surgery
  • Surgical treatment of ovarian cysts : open / laparoscopic
  • Tubal ligation (ligation of tubes) : open / laparoscopic
  • Extrauterine pregnancy operation : open / laparoscopic
  • Genital aesthetics operations
  • Pregnancy follow-up and Perinatology
  • Prepregnancy consultancy
  • Recurrent pregnancy wastages
  • Bad obstetric history (BOH) consultancy
  • Prenatal training
  • Pregnancy follow-up
  • Chromosomal and structural abnormality screening
  • First trimester combined screening test (double test, i.e. 11-14 test)
  • Quadruple screening test
  • Invasive perinatologic interventions
  • Second level ultrasonography
  • 4D (4-dimensional) ultrasonography
  • Color Doppler ultrasonography
  • Birth (Cesarean / normal / normal with epidural (painless delivery))
  • Postnatal consultancy