Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery


Coronary artery bypass surgery, commonly known as “bypass surgery,” is a surgical procedure aimed at bypassing or rerouting blocked or narrowed coronary arteries due to coronary artery disease. Coronary arteries are the major blood vessels that nourish the muscles of your heart with oxygen and nutrients. However, these arteries can become narrowed or blocked due to plaque buildup, cholesterol, and other substances. This condition obstructs adequate blood flow to your heart and can lead to serious health issues, even increasing the risk of a heart attack.

Coronary bypass surgery aims to improve blood flow by bypassing narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. During the surgery, a typically incision is made in the front of the chest, and the heart is temporarily stopped (this process can be performed with the assistance of a heart-lung machine). Subsequently, a donor vessel (often the internal mammary artery taken from the chest wall or a vein harvested from your arm) is used to create a new pathway beyond the blocked or narrowed coronary artery. This new pathway is connected to a healthy area beyond the coronary artery, allowing blood to bypass the blocked section and nourish your heart.

Coronary bypass surgery can reduce the risk of heart attack, alleviate symptoms associated with angina (chest pain), and improve heart function. However, surgical procedures always carry risks. For example, risks during surgery include the possibility of infection, bleeding, and complications associated with anesthesia. Additionally, the recovery process may take time and may require physical rehabilitation.

Coronary bypass surgery is typically considered when other treatment options (such as medication therapy, interventional procedures like angioplasty) have failed or are not suitable. Therefore, the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient should be carefully evaluated and determined by an expert cardiology team.

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